A group of representatives from various Polynesian and Pacific islands gathered around the Tiki Bar to unwind and have some drinks. The group included "Gojira," also known as "Godzilla," representing Japan, Cheeky Charlie from the "4 Square" Dairy representing New Zealand, and a couple of flamboyant visitors from a mysterious Pacific island, located...who knows where! A beautiful Hawaiian girl offered a tropical drink to the happy Tongan chief, adding to the festive atmosphere.
This is a Limited Edition fine art print in A2 size, unframed. It is created using a giclée printing technique on archival Hahnemühle German Etching paper that weighs 310gsm and has a Textured Matte finish. To qualify as a "fine art giclée print," it should be made using pigment-based archival inks that are UV stable and printed on archival quality coated paper.
- Paper Size: 23.5' x 16.5'
- Medium: Giclée Art print
- Type: Digital Art
- Subject Matter: Kitsch
- Creation Date: 2023